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The CROWN Klang Performing Art School

According to Jacobs (1961), massive single facilities such as railroad stations, large parks and institutional campuses create vacuum in the area immediately next to their boarders because of the adjoining borders are a terminus of generalized use. Jacobs also suggested to figure out borderline cases, such as chess or checker pavilions, in order to blend the border and the immediate neighboring area together and yet keep the city as city and the massive element such as the park as itself.

With the current scenario, performing industries has played a big role around the globe but sadly performing skills are not taught in the school. By introducing performing school with target user of children from primary and secondary, they’re able to come here to get in touch and to learn about performing art and to express themselves.

Through learning about performing art, youth able to learn:- 1. Future career and performing skills 2. Social skills and team work 3. Good way of self expression

Urban Design Studio (Architectural Design Report)

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